September, 2019
Govindawadi Village, Tamilnadu, India
On Sept 5th, 344 students at the Govt Higher Secondary School in Govindawadi village were screened for eye health. 8 of these students received eye glasses that were sponsored by iCareMission!
January, 2019
Morogoro, Tanzania
Around 724 students from seven different primary schools in Morogoro, Tanzania had their eyes screened and were given essential eyewear! This was a great opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of eye care!
September, 2018
Gorkha, Nepal
Through our partnership with Eyecare Foundation, we have sponsored the eye screening of around a thousand people including infants and school children in Gorkha, Nepal. Some of these patients had to be transported from mountainous parts of Nepal. The weather made this project a bit difficult but we are proud of the outcome!
February, 2018
Pedhapudi Village, Visakhapatnam, India
170 men and women were screened at the Pedhapudi village eye screening camp in which 22 individuals were provided with new eye glasses sponsored by iCareMission.
October 23, 2017
After an earthquake in Mexico, our members from Georgia and Michigan were quick to respond and distribute 800 glasses to those in need with the help of The Guerrero Clinic and the Consulado General de México en Atlanta.
July 23, 2017
Kishamathpur Village, India
Another camp in Hyderabad, India. This camp was attended by Aditya Birla from Georgia and Adharsh from Michigan. Both these boys had a wonderful experience in being a part of the giving. 117 people were screened at this camp!
July 17, 2017
Visakhapatnam, India
In July 2017 the next camp to be held was in Visakhapatnam, India where 73 adults and 59 school children were screened. This was attended by Ruhan Ponnada from Atlanta. There was so much happiness in the eyes of these people!
July 15, 2017
Kanchipuram, India
This camp was conducted in the outskirts of Chennai, India on July 2017. This camp was attended by Akshay Raj who is the youngest member of our organization. Around 85 people were screened at this camp and 200 glasses were donated. Akshay was deeply touched and felt the happiness in giving to the society.
June 11, 2017
Hyderabad, India
The camp, conducted in the slums of Hyderabad, India, was attended by Tejas Mirthipati who had a unique experience. 237 people were examined at this camp. Several of these people were followed up for further care by our partner organizations.
May 29, 2017
Jeeva Jothi Old Age Home
CFO Tarun Daniel and member Anirudh Nagarajan had the privilege to participate in the eye screening camp at Chennai. Around 75 seniors were screened at this camp and 400 pairs of glasses were donated at this time.
March 19, 2017
Thirunelvelli, India
Our third camp was conducted in the villages in Thirunevelli, Tamilnadu. News about the camp was published in local newspaper inserts, on television and various media sources. Around 85 villagers were screened at this camp. New eye glasses were sponsored for the most needy. Also around 100 used glasses were donated.
June 26, 2017
Chennai, India
The very first eye camp supported by iCareMission was conducted in June 2016 at an old age home in Chennai, India. The CEO Nithin Daniel was inspired by the fact that a small help could go a long way in some one’s life. It was such turning experience that iCareMission became an organization dedicated to bringing light into people’s lives. Around 60 people were screened at the camp and about 300 pairs of glasses were donated at this visit.